These are the things we look for in all applicants
Job History
Residence History
We're looking for six (6) months on your current job or longer. This shows income stability that proves to us you'll be able to make your monthly payments on time.
Have you been at your current residence for six (6) months or more? We look at length of time at your residence as proof that you are here for the long haul.
No Recent Repossession/Bankruptcy |
Cash Down Payment/Trade-in
You can have no repossession or bankruptcy in your name for the prior twelve (12) months. This includes repossessions done on a vehicle you were only a co-signer for. We are willing to work with not so great credit, but need proof that you've been reliable in the recent past to guarantee you will be reliable in the future.
You will need the cash (or credit/check/money order/etc) required for the down payment on whatever car you wish to purchase. This will be due in full at the time of sale, and is roughly 25-35% of the asking price of the vehicle. You will not be liable for tax, title, and license in addition to the down payment we require. Trade-ins are also welcome, and may cover part or all of the required down payment.